I used to work on Madness animations, collabs and whatever. I'm dead now.

Age 27, Male


Joined on 7/8/10

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Peterpeterpet's News

Posted by Peterpeterpet - March 23rd, 2011

Yes, Madness Redemption will have progress after finishing my third Madness Intensification collab part (I must have 850 frames right now) it's all going slowly. Some people where curious about the guy with that mechanical arm, so here:
He built a mechanical arm that contains several functions, the arm is just experimental. So far only four functions where shown
Fly through jets
Fly through jets located at the elbow
Metal shield
Retractable blade located on the wrist

Probably I will create a new animation, using this character as the protagonist(If you steal that idea i will rape you, seriously... That's why i will not reveal a lot of things)
There is a votation of who will be kicked out of the Madness Intensification collab.VOTE

EDIT : I'm not busy right now, so i'm working in another collab hosted by GrabeL168, after finishing my part to Madness Intensification i will start something for that collab

Walk and shoot test (Now finished :D)

EDIT: New art

Posted by Peterpeterpet - March 3rd, 2011

School is killing me man! I'm really busy with all of this. Now i'm working on my third Madness Intensification collab part, it looks pretty cool, but the progress is not good :|
Madness Redemption is paused at 1050 frames (4 rooms and 3 scenes) I hope i can get more frames soon. My custom sprites are done... I will not submit any tests with it and i'm already working with them

EDIT: This weekend there will be 2 holidays here on my country... So i'm going to the beach :)
EDIT: Progress on the Intensification collab part, Redemption is now "paused". New Madness Intensification screenshot :]
EDIT: Take a look
The second scene is done, going to the third one
EDIT: Super punch test. Featuring the custom sprites :o The third scene of my collab part is done
I'm addicted to this
EDIT: Those where my skills at the end of 2010
I'm proud of myself


Posted by Peterpeterpet - February 16th, 2011

My school started today (Feb. 16th), it will be hard to work on Redemption because i will have less time to animate, i'm really busy with my life and all... I will try to get at least 3500 frames until MD 2011 :)
1050 frames. Now my focus (on Flash) will be Redemption, nothing else to work.

New tests, check it out!
Silenced Colt test
Fight test

EDIT: I'm drawing my own sprites. They are all looking great i think :)
EDIT: Screenshot (This is a scorpion, not a crab)

School and life

Posted by Peterpeterpet - February 13th, 2011

Yeah! Today (February 13rd) is my birthday, now i'm 14 years old (Still can't drink LoL)
I will make a party with my friends, so NO Flash or Internet at the afternoon / night
Also tomorrow is Valentines days, well, not in Brazil... I will have to wait for June, strange isn't?
Anyway Happy birthday to me...

A shitload of tests, those are my skills :)
Stab test
Bat test
Super bat test
Sword combo test
XM8 Rifle test
Shotgun test
Silenced Colt test
Fight test
I'm making part of 2 collabs
Madness Intensification collab
Zmoga Madness collab

My Madness Intensification collab part is done
886 frames
9 kills ;)
Here is a Screenshot

Today is the day

Posted by Peterpeterpet - February 4th, 2011

EDIT: I'm back guys! I didn't made a LOT of progress on my animations, but i have some few new extras frames :) Working with a good inspiration and some progress...
1050+ frames on Madness Redemption
I have a new mouse, it's awesome...
Also, i'm working on 2 collabs
EDIT: New banner!
EDIT: Why the people are quitting of Madness just because some people are quitting? That makes me sad!!!

Posted by Peterpeterpet - January 19th, 2011

So, some good progress on my animation, that's good. I already have a name to it... Madness Redemption will be. Working hard on it, and having good results, i'm thinking about a preview, but later... I'm working with 22 FPS, and going good :D
Stab test
Bat test
Super bat test
Sword combo test
XM8 Rifle test
Shotgun test

Liked my new hands on the tests? I'm getting better i think...
Also, i'm working on 2 collabs
I had a little problem with Madness Redemption (I could not open the SWF) but now i exported it to another Flash file, and it's okay, just fixing some errors of course...


Posted by Peterpeterpet - January 1st, 2011

Yes, i hope 2011 to be great :D
I have a lot of things to do, including animations
Yes, somethings on progress, things like tests and 2 Untitled Madness animations. I'm enabled to get in collabs, i can make a test or if you want check my latest animation (Madness Exasperation) to see if i'm good enough.
A screenshot of one of my Untitled Madness animations, probably my MD 2011 submission. A lot of progress on that. Please, leave a comment saying in what i can get better, that will help me.
Check this out, and no, that will not happen on the animation, is just a funny thing
Also, if you don't know why Hank killed the Sheriff

Happy new year

Posted by Peterpeterpet - December 26th, 2010

Merry Christmas
Madness Exasperation is out, i know is short but i had to submit something for the Christmas 2010, please vote and review fairly.
20.0 fps
792 frames
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, soon there will be another submissions by me :)

Posted by Peterpeterpet - December 5th, 2010

So, i'm without Flash. I will take a long time to get back into Flash, until I get my computer.Although I missed the Flash, luckily I got a "temporary computer", there's a new animation in progress, probably the only one that will came out, because I will take a long time to get my own computer and this computer is only temporary. Thanks to and OpenWorld for the music. I'm making Art.

Animation on progress (Madness Exasperation)

Posted by Peterpeterpet - October 31st, 2010

My computer is back, but now i have no Adobe Flash and i lost all my animations/games/progress... I will stop making flash for a looong time :/
-Start a FPS game, it' my first real game. It will be something like a Madness Simulator
-Start a complete Madness Character Maker, with more than 400 sprites and 1500 full customized characters.
-Start Madness Improbability remake
-Make some art. Also, check THIS, THIS, THIS, THIS, THIS and THIS. If you really liked my illustrations, recommend me for the Art Portal.
-Make some art Resources (Backgrounds, Objects...) to some people use in flash movies/games. I'm a begginer, but if you need some Art Resources, like some Pixel Backgrounds, i can make it.