I used to work on Madness animations, collabs and whatever. I'm dead now.

Age 27, Male


Joined on 7/8/10

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Peterpeterpet's News

Posted by Peterpeterpet - January 1st, 2012

Happy New Year everyone!
Only today I realized that Madness Exasperation is already one year old. Holy crap, the time fly!
Anyway, I'm here to tell you that I need to get something done in the next days and then I will be only animating Madness at the free times (Poor Gabriel Barsch, I need to finish my duel with him!).
I have a few animations, some are not official, some are in make already:

-Street Madness (Madness Day 2012)
-Madness Lethiferous 2 collab -4/4 parts done-
-Madness Courier collab (Madness Day 2012) -0/2 parts done-
-Madness Exasperation 2 (Unofficial)
-Gabriel Barsch duel (1 or 2 months)

Call of Duty: Madness Warfare was just a project that is not coming out anymore.
Also, my banner and profile image will be updated soon :D

EDIT: New banner. Like it?

EDIT: I'm into the second Madness Lethiferous collab, and already sended 3 parts to XXBlinx. Those 3 parts where made for the Madness Intensification collab, but since it didn't came out, I'm using these for another collaboration.
Also, I'm having a lot of progress with the Gabriel Barsch duel and if everything runs rightly, I will send all my parts to him in one or two months.

Sword test

EDIT: Screenshot on Flash CS4

In about 3 or 4 months me and BioSoldier167 will start a official co-op project. The concept is 100% ready, when I finish everything I need (My duel with Gabriel Barsch and one or two Madness Courier collab parts) we may start it.

EDIT: I'm back from my friend's farm, I was there since Sunday. I had a lot of surprises and the new NG layout is one of them... Looks fucking nice! Anyway, I will go back to work.

EDIT: Oh look... It's my birthday!

EDIT: I'm going out for some days and will be back next week. I will have Flash CS3 there and will keep working in my animations. See you soon :)

My first post on 2012

Posted by Peterpeterpet - December 2nd, 2011

Soon my Summer vacations (Yes... Summer! I live in Brazil) will start (At December, 9th) and I will have more time to animate (I do have time but not that much, so, when I'm at the computer I only watch some videos, check out my Twitter, Facebook, Newgrounds and etc.). I will be going out more too, but I will get some GOOD progress in those 2 months and will be animating always that I find a free time.

About my projects:
Madness Encroachment may go out at The Madness Day 2012 (All parts are done: 3/3).
Madness Courier collab will probably come out at The Madness Day 2012 (I didn't started anything. Next year I will!).
Street Madness will probably come out at The Madness Day 2012.
Madness Warfare is an idea, not a project.
My duel with Gabriel Barsch is still up (A little credits to BioSoldier167 for making one of the characters and some of the sounds).
Street Madness trailer will come soon (Or not).

And here a screenshot of the background I'm working for my first part for the duel with Gabriel.

EDIT: A lot of people asked me what the fuck is Street Madness. First of all, the name: Street comes from the famous arcade fighting game: Street Fighter. And Madness... Well, you know!
Now, combine Street Fighter with Madness Combat (Don't think this will be Ryu into a massive killing spree in Nevada). Street Madness is an animation with the most famous Madness Combat characters fighting each other on the streets. At Street Madness Interactive you will be able to test your reflexs controling those characters while them fight, and you will also be able to choose your fighter.
Here is a taste of what is Street Madness:

The fight of Angry Face vs. Jebus

Go spend this day with your family and friends, and not at the computer!
Good bye (:


Posted by Peterpeterpet - September 22nd, 2011

You must know that TODAY is the 5th annual Madnes Day: MADNESS DAY 2011 :)
I will take a part of my day to enjoy the Madness Day... Only a part because I sadly have some school works to do :/
I won't post anything to the Flash Portal, different from the last and next year, but here is my surprise:
Madness Redemption is a failed project that I may remake... Someday... Not soon. I posted some screenshots and some informations a long time ago, but you all never saw the real animation and I think you must do


Music by Dj-Janer
Menu music by LaymanLove
Also, Madness Intensification failed too... I may use those parts to another collab, but is good you all to see them


I hope that's enough to apologize the fact that I didn't submited an animation today.

Have a nice Madness Day 2011!

EDIT: Screenshot of an AK-47 that I'm working :)
I also made progress on Street Madness, and I will keep doing for the last while

EDIT: Gabriel Barsch wants to duel with me, and the duel was accepted.
I clearly don't have so much chances... But if I do not try I will not win.
We may post the duel at the Flash Portal as a big and epic duel and if we do it will come out in the fall of this or the next month. I have no details, so I will shut up and wait for his response.

EDIT: Quick update I'm working in my first clip to the duel with Gabriel Barsch and soon you all will have a good screenshot... Just need to finish the background and start animating.
About duels:
If you are good enough and wanna duel with me just ask and I will send you my most recent test if you need to see my actual skills (Send me a test too)

Happy Madness Day 2011!

Posted by Peterpeterpet - September 21st, 2011

See you guys tomorrow ;)

Posted by Peterpeterpet - August 13th, 2011

And started a Street Madness trailer :)
The inspiration? This music!
The trailer will be released at Madness Day 2011 and the full animation at Madness Day 2012 or even at the beggining of the year. I may have to release the full project at two parts
BioSoldier167 will be co-authored for helping me so much with it. Thank you bud, you are the best!
P.S. About Madness Intensification and Madness Encroachment collab: I will have to wait :/

Soon a screenshot of the trailer

EDIT: I'm not in the move to do a test... But I think you guys deserve something
That's the end of my second part for the Madness Encroachment collab :)

EDIT: Tomtyke invited me for his collab and it seems like he really wants me in. The collab will be out only at MD 2012, that's why I will join it and I can't see any other reason to don't
More informations at his page

EDIT: With a help of my big friend BioSoldier167, I started a new project called Call of Duty 4 Madness Warfare. If this new project have a good look after some time there will be Call of Duty Madness Warfare 2 and more. I think the title says it all, I won't put any other information

P.S. Street Madness still in progress and I won't stop it

I will let you guys with this "poster" :)

EDIT: Madness Intensification collab was cancelled, soon or not I will probably join a good collab and may use the parts I did for this collaboration.
I will let you guys with another Madness Warfare poster

Madness Warfare POSTER 1 {HD}
Madness Warfare POSTER 2 {HD}

EDIT: WHATS UP GUYS? Madness Day 2011 is close uh? I'm sorry but the Street Madness trailer won't be posted at MD2011, but I can't let you guys without someting. I will give you all a small gift, a little surprise :)

Just got inspired...

Posted by Peterpeterpet - July 10th, 2011

I'm sure that one was getting old...
Working on Street Madness ( I'm having some good progress I think ). I'm thinking about releasing one trailer ( Maybe two ) about the SURVIVAL Scene on SM, the SURVIVAL game that will come later or even about the whole thing...

More about the game:
Single Player mode (Lone wolf) -EASY-NORMAL-HARD-
Multiplayer mode (You can play with a friend on Co-op)

Basic controls:
/\ Jump / Dodge
< Walk to the left / Dodge to the left
> Walk do the right / Dodge to the right
\/ Duck
A Left attack
D Right attack
Space bar Shoot
CTRL Use Extra weapon

Anything else i will tell you guys
P.S. Madness Encroachment and Madness Intensification still on their way, all i can do is wait.
Thanks to BioSoldier167 for helping me while starting Street Madness.


Street Madness SURVIVAL Scene screenshot ;P

EDIT: Thanks for the second scout by you Death :) (Check out Deathisawesome arts NOW!)
(Just hope i don't recieve any unscouting notification)
It'swinter vacations here, 2 weeks left... In fact there is only 2 weeks without the school. Taking a break, at the second week i will do some fucking awesome progress and may start out a trailer of my projects.
Combat Chaos has been canceled and I will be pleased to help BioSoldier167while doing his new series

EDIT: New art! (Or old, don't know...)

EDIT: "You have been unscouted from the Art Portal. You may still post art to your user page, but it will not be showcased elsewhere."
For the third time... Fuck you NG :/

Street Madness progress screenshot :)

EDIT: Shit, I just can't kill Ares at God of War! Anyway
Street Madness still up, but now as a Madness Day 2012 project

My new Flash banner / intro. It will be used at the beggining of my animations, hope you like it.

Time for a new News post

Posted by Peterpeterpet - June 1st, 2011

It's done!
The thing is finally done!
I just don't know what to say. Congratulations Krinkels :O
Later i will post more news, now i need to see it AGAIN and AGAIN

EDIT: Madness Abrogation was incredible, and i have got some new inspiration.. After making a slow progress all over the week i'm back at animating since i was taking a little break. Soon my 3rd part to the GrabeL168's collab will be done and i can keep working on Street Madness.
Crazymonkey154 will start puting togheter the collab parts for Madness Intensification and it may come out in a few months

If it doesn't work tell me so i can dump it here on NG

EDIT: My 3rd part to the Madness Encroachment collab is done, read the details and check out the damn screenshot, cause this is all you guys are going to get until the collab is out
969 frames
32.3 seconds
2 kills

Thank you so much for giving me the sounds again BioSoldier167
I love you man xD

EDIT: GrabeL168 may release the collab TODAY or TOMORROW... Everything i can do is wait, and so you guys.
C U soon

EDIT: New Street Madness screenshot.

Extra Information: After launching Street Madness there WILL be a game based on it


Posted by Peterpeterpet - May 1st, 2011

Since Madness Redemption will not come out and i'm done with all my parts to the Madness Intensification collab i started another project called Street Madness... There will be NO more informations about this animation and just some screenshots.
Soon (or not) Rovar will send me informations about that unkown project i will make for him, so i will start it after finishing my third/fourth part to the Madness Encroachment collab... My second one is done:
305 frames
10.1 seconds
15 kills

Screenshot of my second part to GrabeL168 bellow (:
If i have anything new i will tell you guys
P.S.- Happy Pico Day 2011

EDIT: Screenshot of my 3rd part to GrabeL collab (Holy crap! Hardstyle Zombie). I already have all the basic sprites for Street Madness so i will start the intro soon

EDIT: Lever action rifle test
On warfare style.
Credits to BioSoldier167 for the sprites, sounds and for being such a nice friend :)

EDIT: O COME ON? UNSCOUTED? What did i do? I don't even see my arts anymore >:(

New work?

Posted by Peterpeterpet - April 16th, 2011

Rovar, the creator of this and this liked my skills on Madness animating, so, he wants me to make an animation for him (With his own history and details). When i have more informations and after finishing more parts to GrabeL168 collab i will start it.
Madness Intensification is on CM154 hands, i'm done with this collab after finishing 3 parts to it.
My first part for GrabeL168's collab is done
205 frames
6.8 seconds
7 kills

EDIT: Screenshot of my second part to the Madness Encroachment collab, i will finish it soon.

Ducky test

EDIT: Still making progress on my second part to Madness Encroachment collab. Anyway >>> HAPPY EASTER <<<

Something new

Posted by Peterpeterpet - April 3rd, 2011

My third Madness Intensification collab part is finally done
975 frames
32.5 seconds
9 kills ;)

It's my best work so far, it was really hard animate with water, fire and a lot of effects...
I'm also working in GrabeL168 (Madness Encroachment) collab, so now i will start a part to it, i already have an idea and i hope it to have a good looking after finishing. After some 3 parts to Madness Encroachment i will RESTART Madness Redemption
That's it for now!

EDIT: New art!

EDIT: My Madness Intensification first collab part remake is done :)
244 frames
8.1 seconds
8 kills

Holy crap, 1 death per second :o
The original part was from 2010, so i remaded it
