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    I used to work on Madness animations, collabs and whatever. I'm dead now.

    Age 27, Male


    Joined on 7/8/10

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    Just got inspired...

    Posted by Peterpeterpet - August 13th, 2011

    And started a Street Madness trailer :)
    The inspiration? This music!
    The trailer will be released at Madness Day 2011 and the full animation at Madness Day 2012 or even at the beggining of the year. I may have to release the full project at two parts
    BioSoldier167 will be co-authored for helping me so much with it. Thank you bud, you are the best!
    P.S. About Madness Intensification and Madness Encroachment collab: I will have to wait :/

    Soon a screenshot of the trailer

    EDIT: I'm not in the move to do a test... But I think you guys deserve something
    That's the end of my second part for the Madness Encroachment collab :)

    EDIT: Tomtyke invited me for his collab and it seems like he really wants me in. The collab will be out only at MD 2012, that's why I will join it and I can't see any other reason to don't
    More informations at his page

    EDIT: With a help of my big friend BioSoldier167, I started a new project called Call of Duty 4 Madness Warfare. If this new project have a good look after some time there will be Call of Duty Madness Warfare 2 and more. I think the title says it all, I won't put any other information

    P.S. Street Madness still in progress and I won't stop it

    I will let you guys with this "poster" :)

    EDIT: Madness Intensification collab was cancelled, soon or not I will probably join a good collab and may use the parts I did for this collaboration.
    I will let you guys with another Madness Warfare poster

    Madness Warfare POSTER 1 {HD}
    Madness Warfare POSTER 2 {HD}

    EDIT: WHATS UP GUYS? Madness Day 2011 is close uh? I'm sorry but the Street Madness trailer won't be posted at MD2011, but I can't let you guys without someting. I will give you all a small gift, a little surprise :)

    Just got inspired...




    Make a test :3

    Okay :)

    SWEET TEST! Damn ur good :D

    Thanks, you too man

    no problem, i help my buddies onlly!

    I know :)

    Fuckin awesome part, dude:) My parts to encroachment collab were too old and not well animated:(

    You can remake it if you think it looks bad, but I don't think you need it

    cool nice work man! you rock

    Thanks :)

    holy shit thaths awesome, i love it, how the fuck do you made the title????
    its awesome i love it

    oh and a friend called xaker333 gave me a link of flash 8, so when i have internet i will download it

    Thank you... It took me some time but here it is! There will be more posters like these.
    Also, that's great :D

    Wait, do you play MW2? :3

    I just love FPS games

    cool picture i create it ?

    I only created the title and the text effects...

    Your tests very cool. :)

    My tests suck. :(

    Practicing can take you to the top :)

    puta musica massa cara ! como gratidao vo te dar o link da minha musica favorita tbm: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8wSh_Eryv8">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8wSh_

    Foda essa música ai (:

    i want thath surprise, you biatch ahajhshasjas

    Hahahahah! Wait 5 more days!

    why you don't make the "Street Madness Survival" You know lot of actionscript

    I will. All my animations will launch at MD2012 :)