School is killing me man! I'm really busy with all of this. Now i'm working on my third Madness Intensification collab part, it looks pretty cool, but the progress is not good :|
Madness Redemption is paused at 1050 frames (4 rooms and 3 scenes) I hope i can get more frames soon. My custom sprites are done... I will not submit any tests with it and i'm already working with them
EDIT: This weekend there will be 2 holidays here on my country... So i'm going to the beach :)
EDIT: Progress on the Intensification collab part, Redemption is now "paused". New Madness Intensification screenshot :]
EDIT: Take a look
The second scene is done, going to the third one
EDIT: Super punch test. Featuring the custom sprites :o The third scene of my collab part is done
I'm addicted to this
EDIT: Those where my skills at the end of 2010
I'm proud of myself