My school started today (Feb. 16th), it will be hard to work on Redemption because i will have less time to animate, i'm really busy with my life and all... I will try to get at least 3500 frames until MD 2011 :)
1050 frames. Now my focus (on Flash) will be Redemption, nothing else to work.
New tests, check it out!
Silenced Colt test
Fight test
EDIT: I'm drawing my own sprites. They are all looking great i think :)
EDIT: Screenshot (This is a scorpion, not a crab)
Nice job on the tests. The colt's sound was a bit strange and I suggest that you try to use your own sprites, as you are decent animator. Keep it up.
Peterpeterpet (Updated )
Thanks, soon i will make my own sprites...