Yes, i hope 2011 to be great :D
I have a lot of things to do, including animations
Yes, somethings on progress, things like tests and 2 Untitled Madness animations. I'm enabled to get in collabs, i can make a test or if you want check my latest animation (Madness Exasperation) to see if i'm good enough.
A screenshot of one of my Untitled Madness animations, probably my MD 2011 submission. A lot of progress on that. Please, leave a comment saying in what i can get better, that will help me.
Check this out, and no, that will not happen on the animation, is just a funny thing
Also, if you don't know why Hank killed the Sheriff
Happy 2011! Also, that face in your test was LMFAO
Happy 2011 to you too :)